Quote of the Month
My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. The effect you have on others’ lives is the highest expression of your own.
–Maya Angelou
My Valentine to you is a small but significant reminder that
YOU Matter.
You can’t be a true and effective leader in your own life until you believe this in your bones.
It’s a process…
Honestly, it’s taken me decades to believe I matter independent of how I perform, perfect, or please. As I wrote in my book, it’s just not how I was raised and socialized, but it’s the truth. And it’s true for you as well.
The women I work with in my Executive Presence Coaching Circle quickly discover that they can’t make the full impact they desire at work and in other parts of their lives if they’re clinging to beliefs that who and what they are doesn’t matter – isn’t significant. One of the most gratifying outcomes for these women, and certainly for me, is seeing them gently and powerfully shift their mindset, build their confidence, and claim their power. And when they do, not only do they feel and do better, but those around them are lifted and bettered as well. You matter.
Some questions:
- What would you do this year if you believed you mattered?
- What will you do to care for yourself this week even if it means disappointing someone else?
- Who in your life needs to be reminded that they matter?
Some resources:
- Sign up to receive 10 free You Matter cards (share 9 with others and keep one for yourself!)
- If you’d like to learn how my Executive Presence Coaching Circle can benefit the women in your organization, email me.
- Listen to this podcast episode on enhancing your confidence with my incredibly talented friend and colleague, Selena Rezvani.
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