Someone once said that how we spend our days is how we spend our lives. Well, I also believe that how we spend our mornings informs how we spend our days.
How can you turn your morning routines into rituals that launch you into your day with intention and conviction? Ask yourself how you want the first few hours of your day to feel. Then ask yourself if your current routine is supporting that desired feeling. If not, you may need a morning makeover (and no, I’m not talking about what color eye shadow you’re wearing).
Here are some simple, yet powerful, tips to consider:
- Before your feet hit the floor, or while you are brushing your teeth, set an intention for the day. For example, today my intention is to be patient.
- Greet yourself in the bathroom mirror as you would someone you adore. If you can’t quite muster a “Good morning, Beautiful,” try “Good to see you, Sweetie.” And don’t forget to smile.
- Do a media audit of your morning. Do you really need to read the paper, go online, and watch the news? I finally realized how few good news stories there are on Good Morning America, so despite my admiration for Robin Roberts, I’ve changed the channel to some gentle music.
- Make your commute count: One client was bemoaning the fact that she had no time to herself and dreaded her 45-minute commute to and from work. When I asked her to look at that as actually having an hour and a half, five days a week, to herself, she immediately changed how she spent and experienced her time in the car. (She switched from hard rock to classical music in the morning and an audio book in the afternoon.)
Put a positive and grounding morning ritual in place for yourself. You DO have time. Even 5 minutes every day will make a difference. Here are some ideas:
- Sit in a quiet spot and notice your breath. If you need help with meditation and relaxation, there are apps. My favorite is called Simply Being.
- Take out a journal and write continuously and without censoring your words.
- Record in a journal your intention for the day.
- Create energy for yourself by doing 3 sets of push-ups and 3 sets of sit-ups (12 per set).
- Listen to music that moves you. One client of mine recently got promoted and wanted to feel more confident in his new position, so he began listening to the soundtrack to the movie Rocky on his way into work, and he found himself walking in the door feeling like a champion.
So dear readers, tell me:
What morning ritual do you count on to enliven you and what morning rituals could you do differently?
I actually just wrote about how important my mornings are to my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I love seeing that I’m on the same page as you are! (And I can’t handle any morning talk shows—they make me want to crawl out of my skin.)
Thanks, Jana. Good to know I have company on the AM morning shows. I look forward to reading your article. Hope all is well.
Very insightful! I hear your voice loud and clear on this advice! Thanks for sharing.
And thanks for reading, Annette! Good to hear from you. Hope you are well.
Every day of my life, I slide out of bed, on to my knees, and voice the same two prayers. Some days my heart is in it and some days its not. But I never miss the ritual of turning my day over to my higher power. I can’t do it alone.
So beautiful, Kristen. Thanks for sharing your precious ritual. And none of us can do it alone. You are one of the wise ones to know that.
Afer reading your blog, I just realized I spend the morning getting “organized” for the day but not getting “ready” for the day. i am hanging a piece of glass on my wall right now and that is my journal where I will write my intention in the morning after checking in with God. Time for some new routines! off to get the drill
What a lovely and important distinction between getting “organized” and getting “ready” Lori. Well said and well done! And please, be careful (and gentle) with that drill!