The tagline for my business is “Inspiring Women to Be Leaders in Their Own Lives.”
This means coaching women to gain clarity on their core values, goals and aspirations, and take meaningful action in alignment with them. Sounds good on paper but it’s not always easy. It takes a willingness to pause, to listen to the whispers, to risk disappointing others for the sake of one’s truth. It takes courage.
I try to live this myself. It’s not always easy, it’s sometimes messy, but it’s necessary if I’m to be a coach my clients can depend on and a person I can respect.
Importantly, in nearly 30 years of coaching, I’ve never worked with a leader for whom demonstrating good character was not essential to their effectiveness.
In fact – just the opposite. It’s not uncommon for me to be asked to work with someone, who usually unintentionally, uses bullying, bluster and even cruelty to inspire fear and compliance in their employees.
This behavior is not acceptable in the companies I’ve worked with. It wasn’t acceptable in the schools my children attended. And it certainly wasn’t acceptable in the home I grew up in.
So how can it be acceptable in the leader of our country?
Character Matters. Your vote is your voice. Be a leader in your own life.
Resources to Support Election Anxiety
- Greater Good Science Center has an excellent list of resources for individuals and parents.
- Eleven-minute meditation by Tara Brach on disarming our hearts.
- From the American Psychological Association: 12 Science-Backed Must Reads to Help Soothe Anxiety.